vineri, 3 noiembrie 2017

(EN )New York! The attack came true, Unfortunately!

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Original link:
New York! The attack came true, Unfortunately!

My Darlings,
Unfortunately, what I was writing about a year and a month ago came true yesterday in New York.

News article quote: The perpetrator of the van attack in New York, from Tuesday, resulted in 8 dead and 11 wounded, named Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, Uzbekistani citizen, age 29, arrived in USA in 2010 and he’s recorded in the police registries for two traffic crimes. :end news article quote:

So the man was feeling like home, since he was in USA from the year 2010!
That’s what the message said: “You, feel like home!”
And for 7 years he felt like home, and now he killed innocent people.

Look (Romanian news article inserts):

Here it is dear friends, the link from my article from the night of September 28th-29th 2016
Original article:

Here it is brothers, the detailed article:
September 28th-29th 2016, time 1:26 am!
My darlings,
Tonight, while I was writing on the blog, I hear a conversation between two distinct voices.

The first voice said this:
“You, feel like home!”
And the answer came from the other voice, on an ironic tone:
“Suuuuuuure?! Like I’m the only one on the streets of New York!”

So darlings, pay attention on the New York’s streets, at the big and crowded places. God forbids! The terrorists sworn they will blow up America. This is my article from January 2014, and also the revelation from 2003:
or another newer article:

My darlings, we must be all eyes and ears, now when the terrorism is on spree and thirsty of innocent blood. Lets pray to the Good God and The Holy Mary, for our health and to protect us from all evil and hardships, AMIN! 

With Love, Maria.

Pentru România,iata dragilor din nou linkul:

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2 days ago - Dragii mei, Image result for sfanta treime. Din nefericire,ceea ce scriam acum un an si-o lună, s-a adeverit ieri la New York. Iata: ...

4 comentarii:

  1. Oglinda noastra cea de obste

    Mai opriti-va din cale
    Fratilor intru Hristos
    Si uitati-va cu jale
    La mormantul meu de jos.
    Ca si voi am fost odata
    Dornic pentru bunul trai,
    Iar acum in groapa. iata
    Sunt pamant si putregai.

    Cel cu mintea ascutita
    - Capul meu cel rasfatat -
    Azi ii harca scofalcita
    Pentru toti de speriat.
    Iata unde-au fost sarmanii
    Ochii mei iscoditori,
    Azi in locul lor guzganii
    S-au facut locuitori!
    Unde-au fost odinioara
    Limba mea cuvantareata
    Azi jivini otravitoare
    Fara frica se rasfata!
    Iar urechea mea si nasul
    Care ieri se desfatau,
    Azi, nici sunete placute,
    Nici mirosuri nu mai au.
    La picioare si la mana
    Suni acum catuse noi
    Si raman intepenite
    Pan-la ziua cea de-apoi.

    Sarguiti-va pe calea
    Noului Ierusalim
    Si atuncea iar cu totii
    La un loc avem sa fim.
    Despre multe ale vietii
    Nu cunoastem ce va fi,
    Dar necrutatoarea moarte
    Stim precis ca va veni.

    Astazi biata omenire
    Desmierdari si-a faurit
    Ca sa nu-si aduca aminte
    Niciodata de sfarsit.
    Nascocirile moderne
    Fac pe omul trecator
    Sa-si inchipuie ca este
    Vesnic si nemuritor.
    Radioul canta, lumea joaca,
    Tunul bubuie mereu
    Si putini mai pot pricepe
    Tainele lui Dumnezeu.

    Fratilor, sa nu va-nsele
    Bunatatile desarte,
    Fiti cu paza despre ele,
    Cugetand mereu la moarte!
    Viata este ca si roua,
    Ca un vis inselator,
    Repede se ia perdeaua
    Catre veacul viitor.
    Nu uitati la rugaciune
    Pre cei dusi de langa voi,
    Ca si voi maine-poimaine
    Veti veni aici la noi!

    Ioan Iacob Hozevitul

  2. Veri denger for USA-craciun.

  3. Doamne ,ce frumos ! anonim 22:05Mulțumesc!

  4. Doamne ,ce frumos ! anonim 22:05Mulțumesc!
