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France Again??? Poor Nice!!! (Romanian expression, hard to translate, interpretation)
29th March, time 23:55 !
My Darlings,
Look how, again tonight and again while I was praying, I hear a voice (spirit) that says this:
Poor Nice! Poor Nice’s scoundrel (wicked)”
After that the voice disappears, and I try to understand what these words mean.
And if I’m not mistaken, I thought about French Nice, the 5th largest city in France, known as the capital of “Cote d'Azur”
My darlings, what do you say (think), is it possible this summer for a bloody attack to happen in “Cote d'Azur”?
Will a deranged person take action, a crazy, and kill innocent people?
Let’s pray to the Good Lord and The Holy Mary Mother of God so they and us can be protected from the wrath triggered by such wicked specimens.
With Love, Maria.
(article ends, small wikipedia insert on Nice)
Friday, 15th July 2015 (post date)
Nice (France)! Horrible, it came true!!!
(Romanian news article link – Attack on Nice. Latest numbers, deaths toll rise to 84)
An innocent child, killed in the attack, with his doll next to him.
Horrible, it came true!
My darlings,
I can’t find a proper color to write this article with (paragraph written in black), then this black, like our souls were, when we find out about this tragedy.
Let’s pray to the Good Lord and The Holy Mary Mother of God, to take care of the souls that lost their lives in such a horrible way, and also for their grieving families.
Dear friends, I was writing on 29th march 2016 (it says 2015 but it’s a mistake) and article with the title: France Again??? Poor Nice!!!
(article inserted, same as the translated original version included in the text)
and lower another article written on 19th November 2015:
19th November 2015, time 3:05 in the morning
My Darlings,
Unfortunately in France, the terrorist attacks will intensify!
I wrote many times about the attacks in France.
But look what it says again, a voice (spirit) early this morning.
I quote:
“In France, it will come to pass! It is time to call for lots of prayers. The victims of the attack, are in France!”
My darlings, unfortunately, these individuals that kill with such savagery and cold blood won’t stop.
They believe that by killing their fellow human beings for their faith, they will inherit the Kingdom of Allah!
This is how they God is named, Allah!
It would be so much better if people would get along, and despite faith, they would live as brothers.
We don’t have to kill our fellow human beings for having a different faith.
Everyone should believe in whatever they want and how they want it.
If we are born in a certain faith, our Savior (Jesus), says that we need to respect that faith, but not at all to harm others that do not share the same beliefs.
As the DEVINE MESSAGE says above, we need lots of prayer.
Let’s ask the Good Lord and The Holy Mary Mother of God to not endorse this individual anymore, to be allowed to kill innocent people. To “illuminate” their minds and remove them from all evil.
With Love, Maria.
--------------------------- 19th November 2015 article insert ends ---------
And today, with pain and tears I can affirm that, all will come to pass my dears, like they are meant from above.
I have no power to stop them, but together we can pray, and this way, we will become better, and the GOOD GOD won’t turn His face from us anymore, and He will indulge us, because we are His Creation.
With Love, Maria
Here is the sad information:
(news article inserts about Nice incident)
Nu inteleg! Fiind in Franta, as dori sa inteleg acest mesaj. Multumesc
ȘtergereE vorba de un articol mai vechi tradus in engleza. acceseaza linkul de mai sus ca e in romana.
2.32 Daca ai urmarit postarile precedente , un comentator de buna credinta , Denver , s-a oferit sa traduca pentru niste site-uri americane cu mare priza la public , unele articole ale doamnei Maria care s-au dovedit in timp a fi deja verificate , intrucat s-au intamplat . Domnii de la acele emisiuni au cerut politicos cititorului nostru dovezi din cele spuse de doamna Maria.
ȘtergereIata de ce , Denver a tradus cele petrecute la Nisa , deoarece ele au avut un impact la momentul respectiv , impact cunoscut la nivel international . Ultimele stiri privind America , in special cel cu gazul toxic, doamna Maria a rugat pe cei rezidenti acolo sa anunte autoritatile si populatia de cele scrise de dumneai . Denver a preluat initiativa si a postat traducerea pe un site cu stiri asemanatoare . Ca dovada ca cele spuse de gazda noastra se implinesc in timp, a rugat cititorii sa-l ajute in a face o selectie a celor mai cunoscute evenimente anuntate de dansa si deja adeverite .
Deci ceea ce ati citit, este evenimentul deja petrecut cu Nisa, insa este acum tradus si in engleza si postat ca o confirmare a faptului ca doamna Maria este o persoana daruita cu har .
E munca celor de pe blog de a-i avertiza pe cei din SUA cu privire la un atac cu gaz toxic.
ȘtergereCitește blogul si vei înțelege; si comentariile.
Plus uita-te la dată.
Pai Liliana draga,cauta mesajul in romana si tradu–l in franceza :)
ȘtergereEste previziunea Mariei despre tragedia de la Nisa care s-a adeverit.
ȘtergereDenver sa traduci si acel articol cu Nibiru daca doresti...thanks/
ȘtergereCe ati vrut sa spuneti? Desi cunosc si engleza si franceza, n-am inteles nimic de aici.
RăspundețiȘtergere12:25, exact. Traducere facuta dupa ureche. Nu se intelege nimic. Din contra, fraze monstroase :))))
ȘtergereAti da-to in balarii.
RăspundețiȘtergereAmestecati Romana , cu Franceza , cu engleza .......
Lasa-ti acest blog in ROMANA , si faceti altul in ENGLEZA .
Asa cum ati inceput , nu este bine.
RăspundețiȘtergereStirile sunt si cu privire la Franta si apoi unde vezi traducere in franceza ?
De altfel, postarea bilingva nu este ,,balarie'' decat in mintea ta care nici lb. romana nu o stapaneste . In cazul asta iti inteleg minusurile , cine nu are o baza , digera greu restul .
Auzi ..mai ...an 15;03 ,chiar iti doresti sa ma cunosti?
RăspundețiȘtergereLasa-ti un "mod " de a te contacta , si cand ma vei "cunoaste " imi vei vedea si minusurile .
18.41 ce te ratoi , s-au vazut toate deja.
ȘtergereCredeam ca agresivitatea nu e binevenita aici!
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca s-ar fi explicat la inceput de articol ca e o simpla traducere a unui vechi articol am fi inteles mai usor.
Eu una am interpretat ca fiind o noua predictie.
Scumpa doamna Maria, va sugerez sa faceti o fereastra separata cu articolele dumneavoastra numai in engleza. E mai simplu si pentru noi in a va urmari si sa putem intelege care este ultima dumneavoastra predictie.
Pemiteti-mi sa adresez un cuvant cititorilor dvoastra: As dori sa va intreb daca se merita sa deveniti agresivi unul catre celalalt? Suntem cu totii egali indiferent de gradul de inteligenta al fiecaruia. Un pic de modestie nu ar strica.